Self Portrait II

It started out as an hour sketch of how I wanted to position myself for the portrait. I wanted to do the same angle as Self Portrait I but different at the same time.

It started out as an hour sketch of how I wanted to position myself for the portrait. I wanted to do the same angle as Self Portrait I but different at the same time.

This was the first stage of the portrait. I used the Loomis method to help with perspective and proportion. As well as a really good reference photo.

This was the first stage of the portrait. I used the Loomis method to help with perspective and proportion. As well as a really good reference photo.

This is the first blockout of the more darker parts of the face, really trying to make sure that there is enough black and grey.

This is the first blockout of the more darker parts of the face, really trying to make sure that there is enough black and grey.

This is the final product that was featured in the Robert Mclaughlin Art Gallery.

This is the final product that was featured in the Robert Mclaughlin Art Gallery.

My self portrait that is my favourite depiction of myself.